16 Things to include in your Acting Resume

What even is an Acting Resume? It’s completely different from a typical resume that you may find when applying to corporate roles. Rather than focus on a […]

By: Taylor Fox January 18, 2024 Acting Advice

What even is an Acting Resume?

It’s completely different from a typical resume that you may find when applying to corporate roles. Rather than focus on a list of past roles and skills – it should be a strategic marketing tool that showcases YOU, your skills, experiences, and versatility. 

Crafting an impressive acting resume requires attention to detail and a keen understanding of what industry professionals look for. Whether you’re a seasoned actor or just starting, here are 16 essential components to include in your acting resume to make it stand out in the competitive world of entertainment.

1. Personal Information:

Include your full name, contact number, and professional email address at the top of your resume. Avoid using casual or unprofessional email addresses.

2. Headshot:

Attach a high-quality headshot to your resume. Your headshot is your first impression, so choose a photo that reflects your personality and showcases your professional image.

3. Union Affiliations:

If you’re a member of actors’ unions such as SAG-AFTRA, Equity, or others, mention your union affiliations. This indicates a level of professionalism and experience.

4. Physical Characteristics:

Mention your height, weight, hair color, and eye color. This information helps casting directors envision you in specific roles and productions.

5. Performance Skills:

Highlight your special skills, such as languages spoken, accents mastered, and any unique talents relevant to acting. This adds depth to your profile and may set you apart from other actors.

6. Training and Education:

Include details about your acting education, such as the name of the school, the degree earned, and any notable mentors or instructors. This section demonstrates your commitment to honing your craft.

7. Performance Credits:

List your acting credits in a clear and organized format. Include the name of the production, the character you played, the theater or production company, and the director’s name. Group credits by category, such as theater, film, television, or commercials.

8. Showcase Your Range:

If you’ve worked across various genres or have experience in both drama and comedy, highlight this on your resume. This versatility makes you a valuable asset to casting directors seeking diverse talents.

9. Awards and Recognitions:

If you’ve received awards or recognitions for your performances, mention them. This adds credibility to your resume and emphasizes your standout contributions.

10. Industry Workshops and Training:

If you’ve participated in industry workshops, training programs, or masterclasses with renowned professionals, include this information. It signals your commitment to continuous learning and professional development.

11. Film and Television Credits:

For actors with screen experience, detail your film and television credits separately. Include the name of the project, your role, and the production company or network.

12. Commercial Experience:

If you’ve appeared in commercials, specify the brands or products you’ve represented. Commercial experience can demonstrate your ability to connect with a broader audience.

13. Web Series or Digital Projects:

In the digital age, web series and online content are increasingly relevant. If you have experience in this realm, showcase it on your resume with details about the projects and your roles.

14. Performance Dates:

Include the dates of your performances to provide a chronological overview of your career. This helps casting directors assess the relevance and recency of your experiences.

15. Relevant Training Certifications:

If you have certifications or specialized training relevant to acting, such as stage combat or dialect coaching, mention them. These certifications can set you apart and showcase your commitment to skill development.

16. Contact Information for References:

Optionally, include a section with contact information for references, such as directors, producers, or acting coaches who can vouch for your professionalism and talent.

Crafting a compelling acting resume is a pivotal step in securing auditions and landing roles in the competitive entertainment industry. Keep your resume updated, tailor it for each audition, and let it serve as a powerful tool to propel your acting career forward.

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